Genealogical Society of Marion County


Become a Member-Partner of the
Genealogical Society of Marion County
and support us in our genealogy mission
9370 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46229
(317) 891-4762
Annual Membership dues are from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Join or renew now for coverage through 31 December 2025: 

(Please allow 48 hours for processing by our volunteers.)

Full-time Student - Secondary or College only $10.00
Individual-Family $25.00
Sustaining, Individual or Family $50.00
Libraries or Societies $30.00
Lifetime [eligible at/after age 60] $200.00
To Join or Renew  NOW Online via PayPal- Safe, Secure and Simple:
       Choose your membership level from the following dropdown menu
                     and pay online securely via PayPal.
Membership categories
We will contact you with your membership login information via the email address used at PayPal checkout.
Welcome and Thank You for supporting our Society!
Present a Gift Membership at our Online Store via PayPal: 
Use the PayPal button above, but before completing the transaction, watch for the option "Add special instructions to the seller", then provide us with the recipient's
   - Name
   - email address
   - postal address
   - phone (optional)

To Join by mail: 

Click here to print the membership application; then fill out the form 

and mail with your check payable to "GSMC" to the address below: 

Genealogical Society of Marion County
9370 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46229