Genealogical Society of Marion County
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Records: 401 to 600 of 2677
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  977.2 M26cc Christ Church Cathedral, Parish Registers, 1837-1922 Darlington, Jane E.
View Record  977.2 26d Christ Church Cathedral, Parish Registers, 1837-1922, extractions
View Record  977.2 M26li Christ Protestant Episcopal Church; "The Little Church on the Circle" Lilly, Eli
View Record  977.2 O27c Christamore House: History of, Indianapolis
View Record  977.2 M26c Christian Chapel Church, Membership Roster, 1861-1896 GSMC
View Record  Christian Park Community Blough, Jan
View Record  977.2 C26w Christian Theological Seminary, History of Watkins, K.
View Record  280 US26s Christian's Annual, 1898, Includes photos and biographies Edited by B.M. Stoddard
View Record  977.2 M26cc Christian: Central Christian Church, Membership Roster; 1896-1903 Dejanovich, Cindy (transcripted by)
View Record  Christian: Clermont Christian Church, 1853-1965 N/A
View Record  977.2 C26c Christian: Cumberland Christian Church, Homecoming 1956-2006
View Record  Christian: East 91st Street Christian Church, 1987
View Record  977.2 M26 Christian: East 91st Street Christian Church, History of, Includes 1992 Membership List
View Record  Christian: Englewood Christian Church, 1895-2015 Church
View Record  977.2 H26e Christian: History of the Third Christian Church of Indianapolis, Indiana,Vol. 1 & 2 Elliott, Frances Dwinnell
View Record  977.2 C26h Christian: Hoosier Disciples; Comprehensive History of the Christian Churches in Indiana. Shaw, H.
View Record  Christian: The Story of Northwood Becker, Edwin L.
View Record  Christian: Zion Evang. Church of Christ, 125th Anniversary 1961 N/A
View Record  Christian: Zion Evang. Church of Christ, 150th Anniv. 1991 N/A
View Record  Church and Tombstone Research Heisey, John W.
View Record  977.2 H26w Church Women United in Indianapolis, Centennial History, 1898-1998, "That All May Be One"
View Record  Churchman: So This Was Hillside Churchman, F. L.
View Record  Cite Your Sources Richard Lackey
View Record  Citizens Gas & Coke Utility: A History Thomas Rumer
View Record  City Cemetery (Greenlawn) Collection, History & Information
View Record  MIL IND CIV Civil War Sanford, Wayne L
View Record  Civil War - A Narrative - Fredericksburg to Meridian Shelby Foote
View Record  Civil War - National Geographic Society Robert Paul Jordan
View Record  Clans and Tartans of Scotland Zaczek, Iain
View Record  Clark County: IOOF State Programs: Jeffersonville Post Members, State Silver Anniversary Program 1894; State Memorial Program 1901 IOOF
View Record  Clark James-See Jacob Smock
View Record  911 R031 Classical Atlas of 1856 George Long
View Record  Clay: Henry Clay: Volumes I & II Carl Schurz
View Record  929 B21cor Clayton: Thomas Clayton Cordell, Gene and June, comp.
View Record  Clermont Cemetery Readings: CD and Notebook
View Record  INDPLS WAY TWP Ott Clermont: Indiana Centennial, July 7-8-9, 1849-1949 Otterman, H.H.
View Record  917.5 R03z Climbing Our Family Tree Systemically George Zabriskie
View Record  Clooz User's Manual E. Kelley
View Record  CO: Colorado: A History Marshall Sprague
View Record  CO: Daughter of a Pioneer: True Story of Early Life in Colorado Atlanta Thompson
View Record  Colclazier: Family of Jacob Colclazier of Shelby County, IN Hobson, Penny
View Record  ETH GER Dic Collins Contemporary German Dictionary Clark, J. M.
View Record  Colonial America
View Record  Colonial Dames, National Society of, Directories; 2010 to 2016 Dames
View Record  Colonial Living
View Record  ORG Col Columbia Club: If Tables Could Talk: The Columbia Club Centennial celebration 1889-1989 Griffin, Marjie Gates
View Record  ORG Col Columbia Club: The Columbian Roster Edition, July-August 1956 Columbia Club of Indianapolis
View Record  Columbia Conserve Company-Photo Booklet Company
View Record  R910.3 C Columbia Lippincott Gazette of the World, The, 1952 (w/1961 supplement)
View Record  ORG Col Columbian [June, 1953] Columbia Club of Indianapolis
View Record  ORG Col Columbian [Oct 1974] Columbia Club of Indianapolis
View Record  Coming Fury: The Centennial History of the Civil War Bruce Catton
View Record  977.2 M27cc Commercial Club-Indianapolis 1911 Burford, William B.
View Record  Community East: History of Community Hospital East Miller, Daniel
View Record  977.2 Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers, "The Lost Soldiers", 1784-1811, Vol. IV, Names S-Z Wolfe, Barbara S.
View Record  977.2 Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers, "The Lost Soldiers", 1784-1811, Vol. I, Names A-E Wolfe, Barbara S.
View Record  917.5 M03w Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers, "The Lost Soldiers", 1784-1811, Vol. II, Names F-L Wolfe, Barbara S.
View Record  977.2 Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers, "The Lost Soldiers", 1784-1811, Vol. III, Names M-R Wolfe, Barbara S.
View Record  929.6 R03 Complete Guide to Heraldry A. C. Fox-Davies
View Record  917.5 R03r Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy Christine Rose
View Record  IND HEN CTY McD Complete Index of The History of Hendricks County 1914-1975 Dorrel, Ruth (editor)
View Record  Concise Encyclopedia of the American Indian Grant, Bruce
View Record  913. R03 Concise Genealogical Dictionary Compiled by Maurine and Glen Harris
View Record  977.2 Concordia Cemetery, Burial List, 2002
View Record  973.8 US19am Confident Years: American History Between the Civil War and WW1 American Heritage
View Record  CHU CONG Har Congregational Church Records,Various Indianapolis, Indiana Harcourt, Marion Goldthwaite (compiled)
View Record  Connecticut Nutmegger, Volume 28, No. 3 & 4
View Record  Connections Magazine: 2006(complete); 2007(Spring/Summer); 2008(Fall/Winter); 2009(Fall/Winter); 2010(Spring/Summer) Indiana Historical Society
View Record  BIO Con Connor: Sons of the Wilderness John and William Connor Thompson, Charles N.
View Record  Contest for Empire 1500-1775
View Record  Cook: Notes on the Cook Families Johnson, Myrna
View Record  Cooper: Jeremiah Starr Cooper Family Bible Records: of Tipton County and Indianapolis, 1986 Prepared by Mrs. Micheal Bray - Records Chairman
View Record  929.2 B31 Cordell: Descendants of John W. and Agnes Cordell Cordell, Gene and June
View Record  IND OWEN CTY Bla Counties of Clay and Owen, Indiana. Historical and Biographical Blanchard, Charles (Editor)
View Record  IND MORG CTY Bla Counties of Morgan, Monroe and Brown, Indiana Blanchard, Charles (Editor)
View Record  917.5 M25c County Maps: Location and Use Carter, Fran
View Record  Courthouse Indexes Illustrated Christine Rose
View Record  Create A Family Museum and Save Your History Goesel, Elizabeth
View Record  Cross: The Search for Henry Cross: An Adventure in Biography and Americana Hartley, W. Douglas
View Record  977.202 M22ch Crown Hill Cemetery Deed
View Record  Crown Hill Cemetery Section Maps, 1940
View Record  Crown Hill Cemetery, 1863-2008; Commemorating 145 Years Crown Hill Heritage Foundation
View Record  977.2 C22ch Crown Hill Cemetery, Burial Index: Starting in 1893
View Record  977.2 20d Crown Hill Cemetery, Children's Guardian Home Burials Darrah, Ron
View Record  977.2 C22db Crown Hill Cemetery, Day Books, Jun 1864- May 1899
View Record  977.2 C22c Crown Hill Cemetery, Plat Books: 1 thru 104, 212, 223; up to 1970
View Record  Crown Hill Cemetery, Tour of Historic: Recalling Nearly 200 Years of History Wayne Sanford
View Record  977.2 M22ch Crown Hill Cemetery. A List of Single Burials
View Record  Crown Hill History Spirit Sanctuary Wissing, Douglas: Tobias, Marianne; Dolan, Rebecca; Ryder, Anne
View Record  977.202 M22ch Crown Hill National Cemetery compiled and indexed by Elna Sue Buckner
View Record  Crown Hill National Cemetery, Book 2 compiled and indexed by Elna Sue Buckner
View Record  977.2 C22c Crown Hill, A Tour of Historic Sanford, W.
View Record  977.202 C22n Crown Hill, The Story of Nichols, Anna
View Record  Crown Point Cemetery (aka Caldwell Cemetery) Readings: CD and Notebook
View Record  CT: Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records Carbaugh, Marsha
View Record  CT: The Connecticut Colony Johanna Johnston
View Record  917.3 R03z Cultural Geography of the United States Zelinsky, Wilbur
View Record  973.Wri Cultural Life of the American Colonies 1607-1763 Wright, Louis B.
View Record  IND MAR CTY Lew Cumberland: Reflections, 1831-1988 Lewis, Rosalie
View Record  977.2 I16r Current Research in Indiana Archaeology and Prehistory: 1991 - 1992 Redmond, Brian G.
View Record  MIL IND CIV Eck CW: Indiana In The Civil War: Doctors, Hospitals, and Medical Care Eckerman, Nancy Pippen
View Record  CW: Alford Brothers, Civil War Letters Skidmore, Richard (Ed)
View Record  CW: Army of the Potomac: Glory Road Bruce Catton
View Record  CW: Battle of Antietam Bailey, Ronald
View Record  CW: Battle of Fort Donelson, The James Hamilton
View Record  CW: Blockade Runners of the Confederacy Cochran, Hamilton
View Record  CW: Chichamauga and Chattanooga Battlefields Sullivan, James R.
View Record  MIL IND CIV CW: Chronology of Indiana in the Civil War Indiana Civil War Centennial Commission
View Record  917.5 M03d CW: Civil War Battle of Fort Donelson Cooling, Benjamin F.
View Record  917.5 M03e CW: Civil War Battle of Stones River Cozzens, Peter
View Record  CW: Civil War Camps In Marion County Barnett, Steven
View Record  CW: Civil War Chronicles American Heritage
View Record  CW: Civil War Day by Day, An Almanac 1861-1865 E. B. Long
View Record  CW: Civil War in Pictures Fletcher Pratt
View Record  CW: Civil War in the Making 1815-1860 Avery Craven
View Record  MIL IND CIV Red CW: CIvil War Letters of Joe Rabb Redifer, Rex
View Record  CW: Civil War Military Posts in Marion County, Indiana
View Record  977.2 M19s CW: Civil War Monograph Sanford, Wayne
View Record  CW: Civil War Naval Chronology 1861-1865 (Part 1 - 1861) Navy Dept., Washington D.C.
View Record  CW: Civil War Times Illustrated Stanchak, John E. (editor)
View Record  CW: Co. Aytch Sam Watkins
View Record  977.202 M22co CW: Confederate Burials in Crown Hill Cemetery, Marion County, Indiana Edited by Sue Buckner
View Record  CW: Confederate Nation, The, 1861-1865 Emory Thomas
View Record  CW: Crucial Moments of the Civil War Willard Webb
View Record  CW: Den of Misery-Indiana's Civil War Prison Hall, James R.
View Record  CW: First Guide to Civil War Genealogy Post, Gerald
View Record  MIL IND CIV Bax CW: Gallant Fourteenth: The Story of an Indiana Civil War Regiment Baxter, Nancy Niblack
View Record  MIL IND CIV Tur CW: Guide to Indiana Civil War Manuscripts Turner, Ann
View Record  MIL IND CIV Dun CW: Harvest Fields of Death: The 20th Indiana Volunteers of Gettysburg Dunn, Craig L.
View Record  MIL IND CIV Bax CW: Hoosier Farmboy in Lincoln's Army: Civil War Letters of Pvt. John R. McClure, 14th Indiana Reg. Baxter, Nancy Niblack (compiler and editor)
View Record  CW: Indiana and the Civil War: Published 1964 Indiana Civil War Centennial Commision
View Record  CW: Indiana Civil War Veterans Northcott, Dennis
View Record  CW: Indiana Legion--A Civil War Militia Etter, John P.
View Record  MIL IND CIV Ste CW: Indiana's Roll of Honor, Volume I Stevenson, David
View Record  MIL IND CIV Hol CW: Indianapolis and the Civil War Holliday, John Hampden
View Record  MIL IND CIV Dun CW: Iron Men, Iron Will: The 19th Indiana Regiment of the Iron Brigade Dunn, Craig L
View Record  MIL IND CIV Fun CW: Marion County: Civil War Centennial Commission Funk, Arville L.
View Record  MIL IND CIV Per CW: Morton in Bronze Perry, Oran
View Record  MIL IND CIV CW: Roll of Honor containing The Names, Regiments, Date of Death, Cemetery, Section and Lot, or Burial Place of all Union Soldiers of the War of the Rebellion (1861 to 1865) That are now buried in Marion County, Indiana. Hunter, Katherine D. (compiler)
View Record  MIL IND CIV G.A.R. CW: Roster of George H. Thomas Post 17, Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic, Indianapolis
View Record  MIL IND CIV Ove CW: Stupendous Effort: The 87th Indiana in the War of the Rebellion Overmyer, Jack
View Record  MIL IND CIV Bar CW: The Impact of The Civil War on Indiana Barnhart, John D.
View Record  MIL IND CIV IHS CW: To Save the Union: Indiana Regiments in the Civil War An Exhibit in Honor of The One Hundred and Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's Birth Indiana Historical Society
View Record  MIL IND CIV Haa CW: To the Mountain of Fire and Beyond: 53rd Indiana Regiment From Corinth to Glory Haas, Garland A.
View Record  929.1 M19g CW: Tracing Your Civil War Ancestor Groene, Bertram Hawthone
View Record  MIL IND CIV Rott CW: Two of the Forgotten: Story of Twin Brothers in the Civil War Rott, Keith
View Record  MIL CIV Hay CW: Uniforms of the Civil War, 1861-1865 Haythornethwaite, Philip J.
View Record  CW: USS Constellation--An Illustrated History Bockmiller, Stephen R.
View Record  977.2 C22v CW: Van Sickle Cemetery, Civil War Dedication Service, 2005
View Record  CW: Wabash County in the Civil War: 1861 - 1865 Compiled by Mary O'Hair
View Record  975.4 R03WV CW: West Virginia State Archives Civil War Medals; Guide for Submitting Medal Claims
View Record  ETH AF AM McC CW: Worth Fighting For: A History of the Negro in the United States During the Civil War and Reconstruction McCarthy, Agnes and Lawrence Reddick
View Record  MIL IND CIV Row CW: Yankee Artillerymen: Through the Civil War with Eli Lilly's Indiana Battery Rowell, John W.
View Record  CW: Young Rabb's War: Fought for the Union 1862-1865 Rex Redifer
View Record  ORG D.A.R. DAR: Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Yearbook 2008 DAR Harrison Chapter
View Record  BUS MEDIA Far Dateline: Indiana. Indianapolis Press Club 25th Anniversary, 1958 Farmer, James E. (editor)
View Record  Daughters of the Union, Gov. Oliver Perry Morton Chapter, Indianapolis, Directories 1991-2021 DOU
View Record  920.1 G35d Dawson Family of Indiana Hague, Elizabeth
View Record  Day Lincoln Was Shot Jim Bishop
View Record  975.3 W03ro DC: Washington, Past and Present: A Pictorial History of the Nation's Capitol Roberts, Chalmers M.
View Record  Deaconess Hospital Newsletter "Echoes", 1923 Lizzie Goeppinger, R.N.
View Record  BIO Dea Dean: Journal of Thomas Dean: A Voyage to Indiana in 1817 Dean, Thomas
View Record  Dear Diary: The Art and Craft of Writing a Creative Journal Neubauer, Joan
View Record  IND DEA CTY Mas Dearborn County Indiana in Vintage Postcards Masing, Milton A
View Record  Debates in Indiana Convention - 1850, Volumes I & II H. Fowler
View Record  Decatur Central High School Yearbook, "The Hawkeye" N/A
View Record  Decatur Township Area Notes N/A
View Record  Decisive Battle of Nashville, The Stanley Horn
View Record  977.2 O27w Deed Records, Indianapolis Water Company
View Record  977.2 H40d Delaware County Genealogy Journal, 1995-1999
View Record  Delaware County Hist. Soc. Newsletter
View Record  IND DEL CTY DNR Delaware County Interim Report Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, DNR, State of Indiana
View Record  IND DEL CTY Sto Delaware County, Indiana, 1827-1850: The Pioneer Period Stoeckel, Althea L. and Johnson, Ross S(Editors)
View Record  Delaware County: Necrologies, Church of the Brethren, 1848-1917 Rarick, Ralph G.
View Record  Delaware: History of Delaware County, Indiana, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches, 1881
View Record  977.2 P28de 1934 Depauw University Yearbook, "The Mirage", 1934
View Record  917.5 R25n Desk Atlas, World Nystrom
View Record  Dictionary of American Family Names Elsdon Smith
View Record  973.03 ADA Dictionary Of American History, Volumes 2, 3, 4, 6, and Index Scribners
View Record  413.Ref Dictionary of Foreign Terms Mawson
View Record  Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases Newmark
View Record  Dictionary of the American Indian Stoutenburgh, John
View Record  Dictionary of Traditional First Names Partridge, Eric
View Record  917.5 R03d Dictionary of U.S. History, 1492-1898 Franklin Jameson
View Record  977.2 M22d Diener Monuments Order Book--April 1896 to Dec. 1899 Book #2 Company
View Record  Diener Monuments Order Book--Feb 1893 to Sep 1895 Book #1 Company
View Record  Digitizing Your Family History McClure, Rhonda
View Record  ORG Clubs Directory and Yearbook of Clubs and Club Members: The Seventh District, Indiana Federation of Clubs: 1960-1961 Indiana Federation of Clubs
View Record  Directory of American Libraries with Genealogy or Local History Collections Filby, P. William
View Record  ORG Clubs Directory of Clubs and Club Members: The Seventh District, Indiana Federation of Clubs: 1957-1958 Indiana Federation of Clubs
View Record  ORG Clubs Directory of Clubs and Club Members: The Seventh District, Indiana Federation of Clubs: 1958-1959 Indiana Federation of Clubs
View Record  CHU Dir Directory of Congregations & Ministries, 1997-1999, 85th Anniversary Edition Lemler, Dr. James B and Walker-Smith, Dr. Angelique
View Record  ORG Clubs Directory of Indianapolis Area Associations, Clubs, and Community Organizations 1993-94 Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce
View Record  977.2 M32h Directory of Indianapolis, 1857, Part A: Residents Howard, A. C.
View Record  977.2 M32h Directory of Indianapolis, 1857, Part B: Commercial Howard, A. C.
View Record  IND REP Lau Directory of Public Records in Clay, Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, Vermillion, and Vigo Counties Laughlin, Sara (editor)
View Record  650.0 G03v Discovering Identity Through Family History G. G. Vandagriff
View Record  Discovering Your African-American Ancestors Smith, Franklin & Croom, Emily
View Record  ETH GER And Discovering Your Germanic Ancestors: How to find and record your unique heritage Anderson, S. Chris, and Ernest Thode
View Record  ETH IRI Rad Discovering Your Irish Ancestors: How to find and record your unique heritage Radford, Dwight and Kyle Betit
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Records: 401 to 600 of 2677