Listings: 1 to 50 of 239
A census is an official counting of the population living in a given locality on a designated day set at intervals. The census places an ancestor is a specific place at a specific time.
[Located in Category: Census]
The U.S. census is taken every 10 years on a designated census day by an "enumerator" in a specific area, E.D. (enumeration district). The first census was done in 1790; there are no censuses before 1790.
[Located in Category: Census]
Begin with the latest census available and work backwards. Census records have been taken since 1790. Before 1790 you can use Tax Lists and other local lists that might have been compiled according to the state in which you are researching.
[Located in Category: Census]
The U.S. Federal Census has been taken every 10 years since 1790.
[Located in Category: Census]
When you're working with census records, be sure to look at 10 families before and 10 families after the family you are researching. These folks are most likely the friends (and family) of your ancestor. They lived in community and they often moved as a group.
[Located in Category: Census]
The 1890 census was destroyed in a fire but many groups are now gathering other data to fill in this gap.
[Located in Category: Census]
A U.S. census is closed to the public for 72 years after it is taken.
[Located in Category: Census]
Genealogy is the search for our ancestors. Family history is the study of the lives they led. Using the information from each area provides us with a true picture of our family.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
A person may not have been living on the day the census was actually taken (not the official day). However, all information is supposed to be "as of" the official census day.
[Located in Category: Census]
Immigration is entering a country where you are not a native to take up permanent residence. Emigration is leaving a country where you have been residing and where you may or may not have been a citizen.
[Located in Category: Immigration - Naturalization]
Don't assume that all children listed in the census belong to the wife listed. This may be a second wife and the children a combination of "his and hers." Men frequently re-married quickly in order to provide for their children after the loss of a wife.
[Located in Category: Census]
When the head of the household is no longer listed, don’t assume he/she is dead. It’s possible that the former head of household is now living with one of the children.
[Located in Category: Census]
Early major ports of entry were Baltimore, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans.
[Located in Category: Immigration - Naturalization]
The first settlements in an area were along the shoreline, rivers and lakes where they found good harbors for consumable needs and transportation.
[Located in Category: Migration]
Waterways were the original lanes of communication and transportation.
Early roadways were established following Indian paths or trade routes.
[Located in Category: Migration]
Migration patterns and trends were usually tied to economics.
[Located in Category: Migration]
Naturalization is the process of becoming a citizen. It is a two step process and usually takes about five years. The Declaration of Intent or 1st papers can be filed after two years of residency. Naturalization and the Oath of Allegiance are taken after an additional three years of residency. The time requirements have varied at various times in our history.
[Located in Category: Immigration - Naturalization]
If you find your ancestor as the last person on the census page, make sure you check the next page for more information.
[Located in Category: Census]
Wars influenced migration patterns. Check military, pension and land-bounty grant records to see where a soldier was llving when the record was recorded.
[Located in Category: Migration]
Prepare a census timeline before you begin. Review what you will find in the census you are searching. Expect spelling and age variations.
[Located in Category: Census]
Use a Migration Map which displays everywhere your ancestor(s) lived. This Map can help you determine why your ancestors moved.
[Located in Category: Migration]
Census records were generated by enumerators. Some who had very bad handwriting.
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Don’t assume that all information in the census is correct. It’s only as good as the knowledge of the person reporting it or recording it.
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Starting in 1880, an Enumeration District consisted of not more than 4,000 persons assigned to one enumerator, or census taker.
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Census were also done by States and Territories for various reasons.
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More than one generation may be listed in a household.
[Located in Category: Census]
In addition to the census population count, there are a number of special censuses: Slave, Industry & Manufacturing, Agriculture, Mortality, Social Statistics, Union Veteran and Widow, Defective, Dependent and Delinquent.
[Located in Category: Census]
Soundex is a system of coding names for the census based on sound rather than alphabetical spelling. A variation called American Soundex was used in the 1930s for a retrospective analysis of the US censuses from 1890 through 1920. To save time, a free Soundex converter is available at rootsweb.ancestry.com.
[Located in Category: Census]
When copying census information, copy EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS IT IS WRITTEN! Do not change or update the information even if you think it is incorrect. This is the way it was written. Place any opinions in your notes but don't deliberately mis-transcribe data.
[Located in Category: Census]
A time line begins with your ancestor's birth and is filled in with various events in his life. Continue to fill this in as information becomes available to provide a picture of your ancestor's life. Several of the genealogy software programs assist you with creating timelines.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Surnames began in Europe about the 11th century. They developed as trade increased. The four basic groups of surnames are the patronymic (based on the father's name), landscape features or place names, action or nicknames, and occupational or office names.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
The Family Group Sheet identifies a couple and their children. Everyone with a spouse or child has two group sheets: one as a child with parents and usually one as a parent with children.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
By the time you have collected data on a couple hundred of your relatives, you will realize that genealogy software would make keeping track of relationships within your tree, filing data about individuals, and generating reports much easier. The Society maintains current versions of the most popular programs at our library, with sample data, so you can compare features as well as the "touch and feel" before you make a purchase decision.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Make a list of all living relatives when you start your genealogy research. Interview each of them. Be prepared with a list of questions. Use a tape recorder for the answers or take very good notes. Respect the person's privacy, but do not delay; relatives have a nasty habit of dying before being interviewed.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Organize from the beginning in a system that suits your needs, but in which you can quickly and easily find information when you need it. If your system does not work, change it.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Each generation doubles the number of ancestors. It's easy to get lost if you do not plan ahead to reach your goal. Focus on one or two families so you do not become overwhelmed. The other families will be there when you are ready for them.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Meaningful genealogy requires thought and more importantly, focus. Develop a plan (1) Why am I doing genealogy? (2) Set goals for what you plan to accomplish in a reasonable time period i.e. go back four generations, go back to the immigrant ancestor, do only my father's male line, etc.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
The study of genealogy will enable you to learn about your family and your place in that family, to leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
When writing to a relative or other researcher for information, make specific requests. However, ask open ended questions. Offer to share your information.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
A person who dies "intestate" dies without a valid will.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
There is genealogy beyond the internet! While the internet is one, very convenient, tool, it is not the only tool. Check out online library catalogs, then visit the library to access the book or request an inter-library loan.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Allowing approximately 28 years per generation provides reasonably accurate estimates.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
The Pedigree Chart is a map from you to your ancestors. Begin with yourself. Females always use their maiden names.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
When it comes to spelling variations, be creative. Often clerks and government officials were unable to correctly record the names given them by unschooled immigrants not familiar with languages used in their port of entry. The surname was written down as the official heard it and the immigrant accepted that as the official American rendering of his name.
[Located in Category: Basic Genealogy]
Church records may include births, christenings, confirmations, marriages, deaths, burials, and other events.
[Located in Category: Church Records]
Check for cemetery records with the church, Sexton and Funeral Directors. Visit the cemetery and take a picture of the tombstone. Check the obituaries in that time frame.
[Located in Category: Church Records]
Probate records refer to wills, inventories, letters of administration and guardianship. They are usually held at the county courthouse unless archived and they are indexed by the name of the testator.
[Located in Category: Court Records]
There are three types of wills:
- Attested, Holographic and Nuncupative. The attested will is the most common and is prepared for the testator.
- A holographic will is written by the testator himself.
- A nuncupative will is the deathbed wishes of the testator, recorded by a witness present at the bedside. All wills must be witnessed.
[Located in Category: Court Records]
An "executor" is named by the testator and is required by the court to post a bond. An "administrator" is appointed to handle the affairs of one who dies intestate (without a will).
[Located in Category: Court Records]
ANCESTOR, COLLATERAL - an ancestor NOT in the direct line of ascent, but coming from the same ancestral family.
[Located in Category: Definitions]